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SIP's first-ever episode debuted our Host, Jana Kriez, alongside our first Guest, Thamer! 

"CUT... CUT THE CLIP" - Thamer 

"Oh my god, this whole episode Is gonna be censored because of you..."

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EPISODE 01-Mental Health, Friendships & Relationships

Welcome to the "Students International Podcast," a student podcast dedicated to exploring the complexities of students' lives and building a community around it. In our first episode, join the host, Jana Kriez, and an insightful and empathetic guest named Thamer, as they engage in a synergistic conversation, delving into the crucial aspects of our lives that shape our well-being.

Throughout this enlightening episode, our host and guest will openly share their personal experiences, anecdotes, and thought-provoking perspectives on various topics. From the challenges of navigating mental health in an academic environment to the significance of fostering meaningful friendships and romantic relationships, they'll offer both support and understanding to fellow students.

Through candid discussions, they'll delve into, self-care techniques that can assist in maintaining positive mental health. Drawing from their own journeys and advice, our host and guest aim to empower listeners with practical tools and inspire them to seek help when needed, even if it's through a friend or platform.

With a focus on building connections, they will touch on the significance of healthy relationships and explore the role they play in our overall well-being. They'll discuss communication, empathy, and understanding as fundamental elements in fostering strong bonds, whether with friends, family, or romantic partners.

SIP aims to create a safe, fun, and inclusive space where students can relate to each other's experiences, find solace, and gain valuable insights into enhancing their mental health and relationships. Tune in to this compelling podcast and embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery, personal growth, and nurturing connections that last a lifetime.

From the SIP family to you, we hope you enjoy our first episode and look out for our next



SIP's first-ever episode debuted our Host, Jana Kriez, alongside our first Guest, Thamer! 

"CUT... CUT THE CLIP" - Thamer 

"Oh my god, this whole episode Is gonna be censored because of you..."

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"Like his story Jana... what could possibly go wrong?" - Yara

*Fast forward a few months, Jana gets traumatized*

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EPISODE 02-Cultural Differences, Studying abroad as a Middle Eastern Woman, & Teenage Drama

In this thought-provoking episode of SIP, Join the host, Jana Kriez, and our second debut guest, Yara, as they delve into the captivating experiences of Yara, a Middle Eastern woman studying abroad. Join us as we explore the intersection of cultural differences, the challenges faced by Middle Eastern women navigating foreign territories, and the everyday trials of teenage drama.


Yara shares her remarkable journey of leaving her homeland to pursue higher education in a foreign country. Through her candid storytelling, we gain valuable insights into the unique set of hurdles she encountered while immersing herself in a new culture. From language barriers and homesickness to cultural misunderstandings and stereotypes, Yara's narrative sheds light on the resilience and adaptability required to thrive in an unfamiliar environment.


Throughout this episode, we address the broader theme of cultural differences and their impact on individuals from diverse backgrounds. We explore the nuances of cultural assimilation, the clashes between traditions, and the transformative power of cross-cultural experiences. Yara's encounters with both acceptance and prejudice serve as eye-opening examples of the complex dynamics at play when bridging different worlds.


Additionally, we dive into the realm of teenage drama, a universal aspect of adolescence. Drawing from her own experiences and those of her peers, Yara shares tales of friendships, crushes, heartbreaks, and the struggles of identity formation in an intercultural context. These personal anecdotes invite listeners of all backgrounds to reflect on their own teenage years and consider how cultural influences can shape our perspectives and interactions during this formative stage of life.


Join us for an enlightening conversation that celebrates diversity, amplifies unheard voices, and examines the power of empathy in building bridges between cultures. Whether you're a Middle Eastern woman navigating new territories, someone interested in cross-cultural experiences, or simply curious about the complexities of teenage drama, this episode promises to offer a compelling and thought-provoking journey into the depths of these intertwined themes!



"I was convinced... Me, Ali & Jana we're gonna get top three!"


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EPISODE 03-How Romantic Relationships Play a Huge Role In our lives and How This Generations Perception on These Topics Have Shifted

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, we dive deep into the realm of romantic relationships and explore how they shape our lives. Join us as we unravel the evolution of love and examine how the perceptions of this generation have transformed over time. Introducing our host, Jana Kriez, and our guest star for this episode, Hamzeh!


Hamzeh is a university student from Malaysia, whose unique insights and personal experiences shed light on the changing dynamics of romantic relationships. We delve into the fundamental role that love plays in our lives and discuss how it influences our happiness, well-being, and personal growth.


Together, we explore the shifting societal norms and cultural influences that have impacted the way this generation approaches romantic relationships. We delve into the various factors, such as increased individualism, changing gender roles, advancements in technology, and globalization, that have contributed to the evolution of love and relationships.


From traditional courtship to online dating, we discuss the influence of technology and social media on how we meet, connect, and maintain relationships. Our guest shares their own experiences navigating the digital landscape of modern romance and highlights the benefits and challenges that arise from this shift.


Moreover, we examine the changing perceptions of commitment, marriage, and the concept of "forever" in the context of this generation. Are long-term commitments becoming less common? Is there a growing acceptance of alternative relationship structures? These questions and more are explored as we unpack the evolving landscape of romantic relationships.


Through engaging discussions and personal anecdotes, this podcast episode aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of romantic relationships on our lives. It also aims to highlight the unique perspective of this generation, offering a cross-cultural lens to the global discourse on love and relationships.


We present to you the third episode of SIP!



"I hope this doesn't turn into a trauma dump..." - Rasha

"She will go and find a boyfriend..." - Rasha

"AYWAA" - Jana

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EPISODE 04-Personality disorders, Child Neglect and Eating disorders

Welcome to another captivating episode of our podcast SIP, join our host, Jana Kriez where she has the pleasure of introducing Rasha Dernaika, an aspiring psychologist with a passion for mental health and a drive to make a positive impact in people's lives. Join us as we embark on an enlightening conversation with Rasha, a Lebanese student studying psychology in Dubai, who has a deep appreciation for the field and an unwavering commitment to helping others. In this engaging discussion, we'll explore Rasha's inspiring journey and delve into her fascination with psychology and mental health. From her experiences studying psychology in Dubai to her solitary life there, we'll uncover the personal motivations that have ignited her passion for understanding the human mind and supporting those in need. Rasha's unique perspective as a Lebanese individual living abroad adds a multicultural dimension to her understanding of psychology and its application in diverse contexts. As we navigate through Rasha's aspirations, we'll delve into her dreams of pursuing a Ph.D. and establishing her own clinic.


We'll discuss her vision for a therapeutic space where individuals can seek guidance, find solace, and embark on a transformative journey toward psychological well-being. Additionally, Rasha shares her ambition to write a book, allowing her to reach and inspire a wider audience while providing valuable insights into mental health. Throughout this episode, we'll explore Rasha's empathy-driven approach to psychology, her dedication to understanding the intricacies of the human mind, and her genuine desire to assist others in their personal growth and healing. We'll delve into the importance of fostering open conversations about mental health, reducing stigma, and promoting overall well-being. Listeners will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the field of psychology, mental health, and the transformative power of compassionate support. Rasha's personal anecdotes and professional aspirations will serve as a source of inspiration for those interested in the field or seeking guidance on their own journey towards self-discovery and mental wellness. Join us as we celebrate the remarkable spirit of Rasha Dernaika, her commitment to psychological well-being, and her unwavering ambition to make a difference. Through meaningful discussions and heartfelt reflections, this episode promises to provide a glimpse into the world of psychology, the importance of empathy, and the transformative potential of pursuing one's dreams. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and motivated to embrace psychological wellness as we navigate the extraordinary path of Rasha's journey towards becoming a renowned psychologist and advocate for mental health. We bring to you the fourth episode of SIP!



"Do you feel like it's difficult for you to make friends (as a model) and genuine connections?" - Jana


" I can't trust people, I don't know how or why...!?" - Sinem

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EPISODE 05-The Struggles of Balancing Modelling and Reality as a Turkish Girl

In this captivating podcast episode, join the host, Jana Kriez, as she delves deep into Sinem's life, exploring the challenges she faces and the inspiring choices she makes to pursue her dreams while cherishing the meaningful relationships she has built along the way. Sinem's story serves as a beacon of inspiration for anyone seeking to harmonize their ambitions with the important connections in their lives.

This episode unveils a different facet of Sinem's life as she navigates the demanding fashion industry, building her own business, and maintaining meaningful friendships. Listeners will gain valuable insights into the highs and lows of Sinem's career, her experiences in the competitive world of fashion, and the strategies she employs to overcome obstacles while staying true to herself.


But this podcast isn't just about Sinem's professional journey—it also explores the vital role friendships play in her life. Through heartfelt conversations, Sinem shares her experiences and lessons learned about fostering strong, supportive relationships amidst the pursuit of her dreams. She offers invaluable advice on maintaining authentic connections, setting boundaries, and nurturing friendships even during challenging times.


Join us as we embark on this empowering and relatable journey with Sinem, as she continues to redefine success, find her voice, and inspire others to live their best lives while cherishing the bonds that make life truly meaningful.

Follow Sinem on Instagram @its_sinem72 !

SIP brings to you our fifth episode!



*starts whispering* "Hello! ASMR!" - Bryan


"This Is a Wattpad story now"- Jana

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EPISODE 06-Self harm and Mental Health

In this podcast, join the host, Jana Kriez alongside our SIP member, Bryan, who comes all the way from New York! We dive into the delicate topic of self-harm and mental health, aiming to promote understanding, support, and resilience. Join us as we explore the intricacies of these deeply personal experiences, sharing stories of hope, recovery, and strategies for seeking professional help. Our candid conversations aim to shed light on the challenges individuals face, reduce stigma, and foster a compassionate and empathetic society. Let’s create a safe space where we can discuss self-harm and mental health openly, providing guidance and resources to those in need.


Viewer discretion is advised!



"Our friendship is one that builds on each other, like how couples do" - Hamzeh

"Aww, that's nice! Look, guys, our first couple on SIP!!" - Jana



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7amoozeh & f_.715

"Yeah no don't say that" - Fares​


EPISODE 07-Fostering Friendships Abroad, Discussing Relationship Conflicts, and Maintaining Authenticity

In this podcast, join the host, Jana Kriez with our first ever duo on SIP, Fares and Hamzeh! They embark on a journey of exploration, discussing the joys and challenges of forming meaningful connections while living abroad. We dive deep into the intricacies of navigating cultural differences, language barriers, and homesickness, as we share personal anecdotes and insights from fellow globetrotters. Join us as we unravel the secrets to building lasting friendships across borders, discovering the beauty of diverse perspectives and experiences.


In addition, we address the inevitable conflicts that arise in relationships, whether they be romantic, platonic, or professional. In “Resolving Ruptures: Discussing Relationship Conflicts,” we engage in honest conversations about the various aspects of conflict, including effective communication, active listening, and conflict resolution strategies. By examining real-life scenarios, we aim to equip listeners with the tools to navigate challenging situations, rebuild trust, and cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Lastly, authenticity takes center stage as we explore how to maintain our true selves amidst the transformative journey of living abroad.


We delve into the complexities of adapting to new cultures and social norms while staying authentic to our core values and identity. Through engaging interviews and introspective discussions, we provide guidance on embracing authenticity, finding one’s voice, and embracing personal growth. We bring to you the seventh episode!

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